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What I See In Donald Trump

I knew that Donald Trump was going to be the next US President when I heard him speak for the first time in his campaigns.  Actually except for our Malaysian politics and elections, I have had scant interest in any other country’s elections  but somehow this towering guy caught all my attention and I gradually grew to admire him more and more as a person with presidential material or rather a person who will be the most powerful person in the world.

What is it that I see in this man that many don’t see? Why do I see him in awe while others see him in disgust, and fear? With an ‘appreciative eye’, here’s what I like to share with you.

I see in this man, a big compelling vision for his people and the world as well. His ‘Make America Great Again’ is really mind blowing for it says so much, means so much to the ordinary people of America and the world.  It is a slogan that’s so alive and real rather than a cold rhetoric statement. This sharply contrasts with his opponent’s ‘Stronger Together’ which meant so little. His vision means a better and a safer world for not just Americans but mankind. Indeed, ‘Greatness’ is definitely more compelling than ‘Stronger’.

I see in this man, very strong connecting and communication skills, whose demeanour and choices of words resonate well with the hearts and minds of ordinary folks rather than suit the upper and educated class. His speeches are so down to earth, simple and practical that the masses can relate to, unlike his opponent’s.  Like it’s said “not everything motivates but we got to know what motivates who”. Donald Trump certainly knows this better than many, including his opponent.

Probably what really separates this great man from the others is his high appreciative intelligence. He was really an underdog in all sense. The media was not with him, the ruling government was not with him, and even many of his own people were not with him. Even with this serious downside, he rose to the occasion because he went for the people who meant most to his victory- the ordinary folks once again. He made sure he fully leveraged on them for his eventual victory.

I truly admire this man, he taught me a lot, and I believe he is the New Hope to our world!


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9 Responses

  1. Hitler had simple speeches too. And knew how to move the common people in times of unrest and economical unstable situations. But of course, no comparisons here 😉
    As for Trumps views on ‘the other people’ (Mexicans, Chinese and not in the last place: Moslems), let see if he’s got the guts to stick to his big election words about building walls and denying all Moslems entry into the States. For sure, 2917 is going to be an interesting year… thanks for sharing your views, Mike!

  2. I fully agree with you Michael. To build on, I believe it is always about the right timing and right positioning.DT was sensitive to what America really needed, deep inside each American grass roots, so a right strategy on a compelling platform was launched, delivered in a resonating manner. His execution team would have used the power questioning methods that you have taught us😀😀, to arrive at getting those insights. Brilliant!

  3. A great communicator doesn’t make a great man. It is your opinion but I am surprised that you celebrate this man as the new hope when, for so many american people (black, mexicans, women, lgbt community), he embolded the word FEAR.
    He is the beacon of poor little white men who feel threatened because they see the world is changing and they cannot change themselves. Most of educated people voted for Hillary Clinton. I think America needs more education and less communication.
    But right now we have no other choice but observing what will happen.

  4. Really interesting article and perspective Mike. I do hope he will prove many people wrong and truly be the new hope. Cheers, jeya

  5. Different people view Donald Trump in different perspective.

    Donald Trump’s slogan “Make America Great People” against his opponent “Stronger Together” will challenge his ability as we know not all Americans are in his favor. Ensure that he will not only make American great people but is his duty to make all mankind in this world great people too.

    We are yet to see the good and the bad in his governing the country and the policies that America formulates that will affect other counteries well being. We hope for the best for all.

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